Brief Understanding of Qurban.

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June 8, 2023

Allah says in surah Al-Kauthar 108:2

So pray to Allah and sacrifice [to Him alone].

Meaning of the verse:

1)Allah S.W.T has blessed us with a variety of blessings and life pleasures in abundance.

2)Mankind is obligated to be grateful and thankful to Allah S.W.T for all the blessings bestowed upon us by obeying His commandments among them are praying and sacrifice (giving out something to earn the pleasure of Allah).

Definition of Qurban: Qurban originates from the Arabic root word “qaruba” which means closeness or being close.

  • Why do we do Qurban?

To perform an act of ibadah and to be closer to Allah S.W.T in appreciation of the many blessings and abundance bestowed upon us as mentioned above (Surah Al-Kauthar).

  • A brief history of Qurban:

The act of sacrificing an animal is done as a remembrance of the piety of Prophet Abraham a.s when he was ordained by Allah s.w.t to sacrifice his own son, Prophet Ishmael a.s.

  • Why is this so?

Prophet Abraham a.s longed for a child, and Allah S.W.T had granted him a son when he was already old and aged. Allah S.W.T has tested his piousness and obedience with the commandment to sacrifice his own son. However, both accepted the order with open hearts and contentment. They willingly surrendered themselves to Allah S.W.T. However in the end, Allah S.W.T replaced the order to sacrifice Prophet Ishmael a.s with the sacrifice of a sheep.

  • What we can learn here?

Prophet Abraham’s level of submission to Allah is indeed exemplary up to the extent that his status was raised and given the title “Khaleel” of Allah. (Allah’s friend).

As for us, let’s thank Allah for our way of performing this ibadah, by not sacrificing our own children but just sacrificing our wealth by sacrificing livestock in order to cleanse our souls while simultaneously helping the needy.

  • When do we perform the act of Qurban?

The event of slaughtering itself must be carried out after the EID congregational prayer (10 of Dhul Hijjah). The Days of Sacrifice can also be performed on the days of Tasyrik which is 3 days after Eid-Al Adha (11th, 12th & 13th of Dhul Hijjah)

  • Do we have to refrain from shaving, cutting nails & trimming hair if we intend to do Qurban?

If you intend to do Qurban, it is recommended that you refrain from shaving, cutting of nails & trimming hair from the 1st of Dhul Hijjah until the animal is sacrificed, which will be carried out between the 10th to 13th of Dhul Hijjah.

This is based on an authentic hadith that Prophet peace be upon him said: “He who has a sacrificial animal with him whom (he intends) to offer as sacrifice, and he enters the month of Dhu’I-Hijja, he should not get his hair cut or nails trimmed until he has sacrificed the animal” –  Sahih Muslim.

  • Is it permissible to perform Qurban for the deceased?

There is a difference of opinions among scholars regarding this issue. There are several opinions that conclude towards permissible, makruh & impermissible. 

However, we are inclined towards the opinion of the permissibility to perform a sacrifice on behalf of a deceased and the deceased will receive the rewards of it. This is the opinion of al-Hanafiyah, al-Malikiyyah, al-Hanabilah, and some al-Syafi’eyyah scholars.

This is in accordance with the hadith from ‘Aisyah R.Anha where it is narrated that the Prophet PBUH perform sacrifice and state:

“In the name of Allah,” O Allah, accept [this sacrifice] on behalf of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and the Umma of Muhammad” Sahih Muslim (1967) 

It is generally known that among the ummah of the Prophet, PBUH are also people who have passed away and the Prophet PBUH specifically designates that his sacrifice is for his ummah. Thus, it is evidence of the permissibility of performing a sacrifice on behalf of a deceased.

As stated by Prof Dr. Muhammad al-Zuhaili Hafizahullah: “(and it is said) the slaughter for a deceased is valid even if the deceased did not request for it, for it is considered the same as the validity of giving charity on behalf of a deceased where it will benefit the deceased.” (See al-Mu’tamad fi al-Fiqh al-Syafi’e. Dar al-Qalam, 2/490)

  • Which animals or livestock are permissible for Qurban(sacrifice)?

Sheep, goats, cows, buffaloes, and camels.

  • Methods of Distributing the Sacrificial Meat?

It is obligatory to distribute the sacrificial meat to the poor and needy. Hence, a person making the sacrifice or Qurban is allowed to keep only a third of his sacrificial meat and the remaining of the meat should be distributed or given as sadaqah.

As narrated by Aisyah R.A “There was a time a whole village visited Rasulullah s.a.w said, “keep a third of the sacrificial meat and give the rest as a gift or sadaqah” (H.R Abu Daud)

May this be beneficial for you, if it is please don’t forget to share 🙂

Wallahu a’lam.

If you haven’t done your Qurban, you may perform your Qurban here:

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