Embracing the Sunnahs of Eidul Adha 1445H
Sunnahs of Eidul Adha that we should observe:
- Performing Ghusl
- Wearing best of clothes
- Putting on pleasant fragrance before going out for prayer
- Sunnah is to refrain from eating before performing the Eid prayer
- Taking different routes to and from the prayer area
- Performing Eid-ul-Adha prayer
- Listening to Eid Khutbah
- Slaughtering of Qurban animals after Eid prayer
- Sahibul Qurban is allowed to shave, cut nails, and trim hair after Qurban is performed
Increase Your Good Deeds (Days of Tashriq 11-13 Dhulhijjah)
1. Still allowed to continue slaughtering of Qurban animals
2. Prohibited to fast during Eid and days of Tashriq (10th – 13th of Dhulhijjah)
3. Glorifying Allah by doing Takbir
4. Increase remembrance of Allah (Dhikr)
5. Recite dua: “Rabbana atina fid dunya hasanatan wa fil Aakhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar”
6. Days of joy and feasting without wasting food
7. Days of showing gratitude and being grateful to Allah
May Allah accept all of our deeds.