1. Why do we perform Qurban?
The word Qurban originates from the Arabic root word “qaruba” which means closeness or being close. Performing Qurban is an act of ibadah as to be closer to Allah S.W.T in appreciation of the many blessings and abundance bestowed upon us as mentioned in surah Al-Kauthar 108:2
What is the brief history of Qurban?
The act of sacrificing an animal is done as a remembrance of the piety of Prophet Abraham a.s when he was ordained by Allah s.w.t to sacrifice his own son, Prophet Ishmael a.s.
Why is this so?
Prophet Abraham a.s longed for a child, and Allah S.W.T had granted him a son when he was already old and aged. Allah S.W.T has tested his piousness and obedience with the commandment to sacrifice his own son. However, both accepted the order with open hearts and contentment. They willingly surrendered themselves to Allah S.W.T. However in the end, Allah S.W.T replaced the order to sacrifice Prophet Ishmael a.s with the sacrifice of a sheep.
What we can learn here?
Prophet Abraham’s level of submission to Allah is indeed exemplary up to the extend, he received the title being “Khaleel” of Allah. (Allah’s friend).
As for us, lets thank Allah that our way of performing this ibadah, by not sacrificing our own children but to just sacrifice our wealth by sacrificing livestock in order to cleanse our soul while simultaneously helping the needy.
2. When do we perform Qurban?
The event of slaughtering itself must be carried out after the ‘Eid congregational prayer (10 of Dhul Hijjah). The Days of Sacrifice can also be performed on the days of Tasyrik which is 3 days after ‘Eidul Adha. (11th, 12th & 13th of Dhul Hijjah)
3. Do we have to refrain from shaving, cutting nails & trimming hair if we intend to perform Qurban?
If you intend to do Qurban, it is recommended that you refrain from shaving, cutting of nails & trimming your hair from the 1st of Dhul Hijjah until the animal is sacrificed, which will be carried out between the 10th to 13th of Dhul Hijjah.
4. What are the methods to distribute the meat?
It is obligatory to distribute the sacrificial meat to the poor and needy. Hence, a person making the Sacrifice or Qurban is allowed to keep only 1/3 of his sacrificial meat and the remaining 2/3 of the meat should be distributed among other close relatives or given as sadaqah to the poor and needy.
5. Can I perform one sheep for my whole family?
Yes you can. However, if you have the financial means, its better to perform one sheep per person.
6. 1 cow is too expensive for me. Can I take only 1 portion instead?
Yes, Qurban for cow can be shared up to 7 names/portions. You can book only one portion of cow with us. We will find the other 6 portions from other donors.
7. Is it permissible to perform Qurban for the deceased(arwah)?
There is a difference of opinions among scholars regarding this issue. There are several opinions that conclude towards permissible, makruh & impermissible. However, we are inclined towards the opinion of the permissibility to perform a sacrifice on behalf of the deceased(arwah). While we accept registration of Qurban for arwahs, we do note the differences of opinions amongst scholars.If you are comfortable, you can proceed. If not, you can do on your own and then make doa for them.