- 0yrs
of Operation
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Countries Served
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Local Benificaiaries
Ust. Hafiz Zainul
Our efforts in humanitarian aid and impactful storytelling are driven by the belief that meaningful change comes from sustainable actions. Together, we can foster resilience, instill hope, and build a future where communities thrive with dignity and purpose.

Core Focus Areas
“And Allah will aid His slave so long as he aids his brother” - Sahih Muslim
Humanitarian Projects
Empowering communities through impactful, compassionate projects that drive lasting change.
Waqf Initiatives
Sustainable and ethical endowment initiatives for a better, brighter future.
Ethical Services
Integrity-driven services ensuring fairness, transparency, and positive societal impact.
Captivating narratives that inspire, engage, and connect with the benificiaries.
13 Global Partners
Collaborating in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Uganda, Mecca, Medina, Turkey, Syria, and Palestine.
Articles & Updates
Ramadhan Iftar & Sahoor project 2024
Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah. We are pleased to share that a total of 800 underprivileged families/individuals have benefited from our Ramadhan Global Iftar Project 2024 in seven different countries.We extend our gratitude to you all for your ongoing support and contributions. May Allah reward you abundantly and may these acts of kindness be…
Maximizing the reward during last 10 nights of ramadhan
Work on these 7 points and give your utmost effort during the final nights as it could be your final Ramadan!In Islam, the night begins at Maghrib, try planning it out ahead how to maximize it.2. Limit your distractions.Try to find a space to limit any kind of distractions, best is to perform Iktikaf and…
Welcoming the blessed month of Ramadhan 1445H
Work on these 6 virtues during the blessed month and give your utmost effort to make this year's Ramadan feel like it could be your final Ramadan!This is an opportunity for us to repent, learn how to control our desires, and increasing in doing good deeds in getting ourselves closer to the almighty.2. Month of…
Have you ever wondered? What are the solutions to our
The ultimate solution for our problems lies in making life easier for others and serving them. By doing so, we are also serving the almighty, as mentioned in the hadith: "Allah will aid His slave so long as he aids his brother." (H.R Muslim)Each one of us faces issues, problems, and hardships in life. No…
Our Reaction As Muslims Facing Natural Disasters
5 things you have to take heed upon facing Natural Disasters."There is not a ˹wicked˺ society that We will not destroy or punish with a severe torment before the Day of Judgment. That is written in the Record. Nothing keeps Us from sending the ˹demanded˺ signs except that they had ˹already˺ been denied by earlier…
Making the most of Muharram 1445H
5 things you have to know about the sacred month of Muharram.1) Muharram is one of the 4 sacred months in Islamإِنَّ عِدَّةَ الشُّهُورِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ اثْنَا عَشَرَ شَهْرًا فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ مِنْهَا أَرْبَعَةٌ حُرُمٌ ذَلِكَ الدِّينُ الْقَيِّمُ Surah At-Taubah verse 36. The number of the months, with Allah, is twelve…
When is the best time to make charity in the
It is when you are wealthy and healthy! As Narrated by Abu Huraira r.a ...
The Differences between Qurban, Hadyu, and ‘Aqīqah
Besides Qurban, Hadyu and ‘Aqīqah are other terms that also entail sacrificial rituals. They can be distinguished in terms of aḥkām (rulings) and definitions.Qurban:As defined, Qurban is the sacrificial ritual on the specific days of Zulhijjah (from the 10th to the 13th). It is Sunnah Muakkadah (highly recommended), and it will only be obligatory if…
Sunnahs of Newborn
Don’t miss these 4 Sunnahs of Newborn:1)Performing Tahnik (touching of the lips or the tasting of newborn with something sweet such as dates or honey.“Rasulullah S.A.W did the Tahnik for the children of Ansar with dates” (Narrated by Muslim)Some useful tips: bring some Ajwa dates with you(husbands) to the delivery ward, upon delivery of the…